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Thank you for
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Nov 1+2

Two Days: 14 Stops

Saturday Sunday  10 to 4

What's in store

Mark your calendars for two incredible days of art and culture in a charming New England town at the Exeter Fall Art Tour.


Saturday Sunday, from10 to 4 both days.


With a spotlight on fine art and fine craft, you can see Exeter's vibrant local galleries, studio collectives, and individual artist studios.


Find mixed media, sculpture, jewelry, pottery, prints, etchings, assemblage, watercolor, oil paintings, photography, hand-made art gifts, cards, framed art, coastal art, abstract art, ceramics, acrylic paintings, fiber, intricate textiles, glass, wood and more.

Tons of local creative goodness.

Save the dates and bring your friends. 


Where ....

Pick up a self guided Exeter Fall Art Tour map at any of the locations on the tour.


The "tour map" indicates approximate locations... all are within a 1.5 mile stretch from end to end. Actual distances can be determined with google maps.


Some of the entrances are street-level.

Some are tucked around corners off the beaten path. Just follow the signs! 

Free parking at all locations is either on street or in town parking lots.

Exeter is about one hour from Boston or Portland.


A street-side gallery, a cozy shop, or an artist studio?

The Exeter Fall Art Tour is a town-wide once-a-year event that provides a opportunity to meet a few artists, see galleries and purchase your favorite works.


It’s a chance to talk to some of the creators & gallery organizers that spark passion in a culturally rich small town.


Because some of the individual artist studios are not open through the year for regular hours, this weekend offers the unique possibility to take a peek inside spots not normally open to the public.

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Go & Do

Experience the rich tapestry of art and craftsmanship in a small town located in the New Hampshire Seacoast Region.

This tour promises to be an eclectic celebration of the growing creativity and culture in Exeter.

When it’s time for a break, be sure to ask the hosts at any location for a recommendation ...we all have our favorites!

So much to see and do. Thank goodness we have two days.

You could easily plan ahead & make an entire weekend of it. Find a cozy place to stay or a great eatery to grab lunch, dinner or drinks




About the Locations

14 locations on this year's Exeter Fall Art Tour all within a 1.5 mile distance. 

Saturday + Sunday 10-4


1. Exeter Fine Crafts 

61 Water Street

Founded in 1966. Over 200 juried artists exhibit their finely crafted pottery, textiles, jewelry, sculpture, serigraphs, glass and more. We offer a large variety of high quality art and craft classes year round in our large downstairs studios.

(603) 778-8282


2. A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words

65 Water Street

"We're a lively compendium of New England artists, antique maps, ephemera, and the seacoast's largest selection of fine art books" . Custom art framing.

(603) 778-1991


3. Windows on Water

81 Water Street (gallery on lower level)

On String Bridge near the bandstand at the Squamscott River. Watercolors, abstracts, landscapes, local scenes, paintings, alcohol inks, photography. Cozy rivers-edge gallery overlooking the Squamscott. 


4. SAA at Historic Town Hall

10 Front Street (exhibit on second floor)

Annual Seacoast Artist Association Members Award Show in the beautiful daylight-filled upstairs gallery. A benefit for their scholarship fund.

5. Foundation Art Space 

111R Water Street (along the riverside)

A small mixed-use gallery & studio for members & guest artists. Headquarters for T.E.A.M. (non-profit organization.  Hosting regular art shows, as well as occasional intimate musical performances, poetry readings, and workshops.

(603) 512-8396

6. Seacoast Artists Association Gallery

130 Water Street

Established art association representing local and regional artists. Paintings, drawings, photography, prints and cards. The SAA displays the work of 31 artist-members

with continuous showing of their work, changing quarterly.

In addition, our monthly Theme Show and two Body of Work sections exhibit the work of other members and the community with monthly changeovers.


7. Art by Alyssa (individual artist shop)

154 Water Street

Illustrated gifts to brighten your life! Made in-house using reproductions of Alyssa Watters' original oil painted images. Paintings, prints, towels, calendars, trays & more.

8. Lauren Avery Hutton (individual artist studio)

2 Center Street

(Enter door to hall. Studio on left.) Large paintings in oil, occasionally acrylic paint, often preceded by watercolor drawings.

9. Diane Crespo Fine Art (individual artist studio),

27 Front Street

Stunning landscape and seascape paintings using oil paint or soft pastels well as beautiful, custom pet portraits in pastel.


10. Lamont Gallery

26 Tan Lane (on Phillips Exeter Academy campus. Entrance is set back from Front Street).

Exhibit: THROUGH LINE. Each of the six artists on view explores line through the lens of their distinct practices and mediums, ranging from marker to string, chalk, and even dirt!

(Reservations are not needed for this weekend).


11. Art Up Front Street Studios & Gallery

120 Front Street (artists collective)

Look for the yellow trim and flowers. 2000 square feet of contemporary art with 5 artist studios. Abstract paintings, landscapes, collage, industrial quilts.


12. Exeter Station Studios (Tucked back off Winter Street. Look for the large sign & chain link fence).

58 Winter Street (artists collective)

Individual working studios housed in what was once an Exeter shoe factory. Painters, sculptors, ceramic artists, a basket maker, vintage clothing, mixed media and more. Large and small works. Light refreshments.
(Entrance: drive through the gate at 60 Winter & go to rear glass door on left.)

13. Nicole Ellis Artist (individual artist studio)

91 Winter Street

Scenes of quiet New England life depicting barns, boats, trucks, coastal and rural views in hand made frames assembled with vintage & antique accents to further illustrate the art themes. 


14. Paige Lindsey Design (individual artist studio)

12 Hobart Street

Incredible floral paintings and designs in watercolor and acrylic. Prints. Classes. Wedding painter engagements.

Pick up a self guided Exeter Fall Art Tour map at any of the locations on the tour.

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"Autumn" by Skip Berrien

Painting by Bill Mensching

Painting by Paige Lindsey

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